Kelisanet History
KelisaNet has been actively working in Iran and among Iranians since 2008. Our goal is to evangelize, plant churches , serve and assist Iranian and Afghan Christians in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. We are eager to share about Jesus and proclaim his message everywhere in Iran and Middle East and are ready to serve those who are eager to know about Jesus Christ and believe in him as the Lord and Savior and follow him
Vision of Kelisanet
Delivering the message of Gospel to Iranians throughout Iran and beyond, discipleship and planting Churches, to train committed believers and faithful servants for developing the kingdom of God.

What We Believe
We believe that there is one living, true, holy God eternally existent in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, the Word made flesh, the Savior of the world, fully human and fully divine. Through Jesus’ life and ministry, death and resurrection, God reconciles the world and breaks down the walls that divide.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, Giver of Life, holy Wisdom, true God. The Spirit moves through and sustains creation; endows the church for mission; frees the world from sin, injustice, and death; and transforms disciples. Wherever we find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control, there the Holy Spirit is working.
The Bible is the inspired, authoritative, living, eternally-reliable Word of God. It is our rule of faith and practice and necessary to our daily lives.
We are saved by the grace of God and there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. Forgiveness and the promise of eternal life are available to all who receive Christ as Savior and Lord, believing in his name. Those willing to receive Christ must repent of sin, confess their faith and be baptized into him for forgiveness of their sins.
Jesus established the Church so that his people might worship together, spread his message of hope through word and deed, and encourage each other to persevere in their faith.
What is it like to be a Christian in Iran?
Christians suffer severe persecution in Iran, particularly those who've converted from Islam. Iran ranks 9th as the most persecuted country according to the Open Doors 2022 persecution index. Christians from a Muslim background are persecuted the most by the government but also by their families and communities. Many believers have been imprisoned, tortured, or threatened with death by the security police. Having a bible or any Christian literature in Farsi is strictly forbidden. House churches are often raided, and their leaders and members have been arrested and given long prison sentences for “crimes against national security.” Many of these Christians have lost jobs, homes or even custody of their children. Some have been physically abused and some are unjustly imprisoned.

What We Do
Providing Bibles and New Testaments

Because of Iranian government persecution, believers can face loss of job, prison or even death even though they don’t have bibles to read nor resources to grow in faith. Bibles and Christian literature are forbidden to be published or sold in Iran. Many bibles, New Testaments, evangelism booklets and Christian literature have been specially provided by KelisaNet for believers to use or distribute in evangelism sessions.
Two of KelisaNet’s leaders invited some people to an evangelistic meeting. Elnaz came to faith in that meeting. Soon, the leaders of the meeting were arrested by the security police. Elnaz was alone and had no bible and no access to any house church. For 2 years, she had Jesus in her heart but didn’t know how to live as a Christian. She searched online and found KelisaNet. She requested a bible and some discipleship training material. This is what she described when she received the bible:
“When you think of the bible, it looks like just a book for you but this isn’t just a book. It’s God written book that explains to me:
Who am I? What’s my identity? Why was I created? Where will I go after death? How can I have a relationship with God?
I accepted Jesus in my heart but didn’t know any of these things for years. I was aimless when I didn’t have a bible but now, I live for God’s plans. I read the bible every day, it’s one of the most important things for any believer.“
Farzad had many questions about God. He searched in Islamic sources for the answer. But he found out that Islam isn’t true. He searched more and he found KelisaNet in social media. He requested a bible and asked many questions. He said: ” I was so hungry and thirsty for the true God. When I received a bible, I finished reading the Old Testament in just one week. Then, I started reading the book of Mathew. By reading just 10 chapters of the book of Mathew, I felt I had received the water of life! Yes, Jesus was my answer! The king came to my life and I received a peace which I had never felt before.”
Farzad is in our discipleship program and has a passion to share Jesus with others. His wife, mother-in-law and cousin have come to faith through him.
Next Generation, The Future of the Iran Church
Many parents are frustrated. They do not know how to raise their children as a Christian family in an Islamic society with strong traditions in this culture.
KelisaNet is committed to help the younger generation hear the gospel’s message and faithfully follow Jesus. KelisaNet performs parental counseling and supplies conferences to teach parents how to teach kids and teenagers in Iran about how to follow Jesus and live as a follower of Christ.
Shima is a 15 years old girl. She always felt empty and depressed. A believer shared Jesus with her and her family. She accepted Jesus in her heart. She shared this with KelisaNet: “The best and biggest God-miracle in my life is the way God has changed my mood. I feel the Holy Spirit in my heart, transforming me from depression to joy and helping me live a new and happy life.” Shima has been discipled and is growing in faith.
Supporting Persecuted Christians
Christians from a Muslim background are targeted by the Iranian government. House church members and leaders are arrested, interrogated and sometimes tortured. Some face long prison sentences. They are warned not to continue with any Christian activities and to have no contact with other believers after they are released. They also face financial loss, job loss , loss of custody of children and threats to the safety of their loved ones.
KelisaNet is committed to help those suffering persecution because of their faith and provide encouragement and vital support to those struggling the pain of persecution.
KelisaNet Social Networks
God is using technology to reach and disciple Iranians. Telegram is an app similar to Twitter or Facebook and it is the most popular social media app in Iran today. When you join Telegram you set up a channel which people can join. Then you can broadcast a text message, audio message or a video to everyone who joins your channel. You can also send and receive secure, private messages with people who are members of your channel. Telegram is being used to change thousands of lives. Since most church buildings are closed by the government inside Iran, Telegram is a place that Iranians can have access to Christian materials like Bible lesson videos, worship songs, sermons, devotions, etc.
Truth seekers are also able to join and find materials about the Gospel message and are able to contact us for asking questions. The KelisaNet Telegram Channel has ~30,000 subscribers.
Arya gambled for years. Once, he lost all his property through gambling. This habit destroyed his marriage. His wife left him and he became homeless. Later, he heard the message of the Gospel and he came to faith. But he was an isolated Christian. He didn’t know of any house church to join. He searched and contacted KelisaNet Telegram Channel. Soon, he started learning about the Bible and grew as a disciple. He said: “God’s love embraced me. As much as I grew in faith and knew God more, I gambled less. Glory to our God who is patient with our weaknesses and loves us unconditionally. “
Arya hasn’t gambled for several months. He has found a job and works. He longs to surrender more parts of his life to Jesus.

Training courses:
Weekly Services
KelisaNet performs public church services and bible study every week.Any believer who has no access to house churches can join and they also invite non-believers to participate and learn about Jesus.
Discipling Iranian Christians
There are a large number of Iranian believers that need to be discipled inside Iran and the number is growing every day.KelisaNet has discipleship programs to build faithful followers of Christ that are trustworthy witnesses to others and are themselves equipped to disciple others.
Leadership Training
Many Iranians are coming to Christ across Iran.They need a place to gather and fellowship together.As churches were forced to close their doors by the government, a house church is a place for believers to gather and fellowship.But there are not enough trained church leaders to plant churches and disciple these young churches.KelisaNet provides leadership training and conferences to train and equip leaders.
KelisaNet also supports the courageous church leaders serving in Iran, providing them with mentoring, pastoral care, ongoing training and other resource material.
Marriage and Women Counseling
Many Iranian couples have failed and broken marriages.When they convert to Christianity, they still have many struggles in their marriages.Women are legally devalued and many are treated as a worthless person in homes and communities.Many men are in control of women’s lives as fathers and husbands in the society.According to Islam Republic laws, women have no right to get out of men’s control or divorce and get the custody of their children.Men are allowed to have four wives and have unlimited ‘temporary wives’.
When an Iranian becomes a Christian, there is a huge need for marriage counseling.KelisaNet provides counseling for women and conferences to help women live in the identity which was given to them through Christ and become useful ambassadors for God’s kingdom.